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Junior Year

Mission Statement: My mission is to use my skills of compassion, public communication, creativity, and my overall drive to have a successful junior year. As I use these assets I also hope to have significant growth within myself and maintain genuine happiness as the year progresses.
Through the Fastrak project I hope to grow and create as many opportunities for myself as I can. As I dedicate a lot of time for this project, I also wish to expand my knowledge within Real Estate.
About FasTrak
Throughout the junior year students will pick a certain profession to accomplish a 10 hour long internship, with a mentor of their choice. Throughout these hours the student will be able to receive a hands-on learning experience and be able to become familiar with the working world. By the end of the project, students will have completed a resume, a cover letter, work samples, immense research, and also a demonstration of their learning!
Meet My Mentor
My FasTrak mentor is Erin Martin! She is a realtor for Compass and is a part of the Jody Clegg Team. She has been a realtor for about 20 years now and absolutely adores it. I was able to easily choose Erin as my mentor since she also happens to be a very good family friend and I have known her since I was five years old. She helped my parents buy our home back in 2012 and we haven't moved since! Erin was an amazing mentor as she was able to tour me around multiple Open Houses, and I am extremely grateful for the learning experiences she provided for me.
These two reports were done by my quality control partners. They were in charge of reviewing important documents and leaving critiques.
This is an activity log that kept track of all my work throughout the project!
Rehearsal Video
Click to watch!
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